Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Welcome to My Blog

Hi Folks,

Dr. JimBob here. Welcome to my blog. If you came here by mistake, and you intend to click the back arrow, then go ahead loser. If you plan on staying, then please make yourself at home.

This blog is about me spouting my crap. I find that spouting my crap makes me feel better, so I will spout it here. This is my spouting place.

I am not a writer, a good speller, or even a reasonable typist. So if you are looking for good grammar and feel that typographical errors are a sin, then this is not the right place for you. In that case, hit your back arrow now (loser).

I decided to have a blog because I recently began reading other blogs. (My favorite is Annie Choi’s www.annietown.com.) While reading these blogs, I noticed that other people who read them and posted their comments also had their own blogs. It seems that everybody has a blog these days, so I must have a blog too. Here is mine. I hope you will come back often. I don’t plan on updating it on a regular basis, but you never can tell when I might have the urge to spout more crap. So stick around and let me know that you are out there.

Best Wishes,
Dr. JimBob


cookie6446 said...

JimBob - enjoy your blog! I guess you knew that mom's mom was a writer and poet, didn't you? Looks like you inherited that talent - but then again, you got ALL the talent in the family! Love you -

Dr. JimBob said...

cookie6446: Finally, a shout of family love. Now dat's what I'm talkin' about. Anyway, I am not a writer. No way. I don't even like to write. And lot's of times, I reverse words like a dyslexic person would, even though I am not dyslexic. I do it naturally! I can’t spell very well either. I also leave the "r" off of the word "your" all the time and can't even tell that I have done it when I proof stuff. So I am NO writer. I like stories though, especially funny ones, and if they involve farts in any context, then they are just all the more funny. I don’t think I have ever heard a story that involved farts that wasn’t funny. Well, maybe they weren’t all funny, but none were sad. I’ve never cried when reading a story about farts. Thanks for the comment.