As I approach my 50th birthday this year, I find myself thinking more and more about age, specifically mine. It’s not the birthday that bothers me so much as it is this person who is there in the mirror when I brush my teeth. IT”S NOT ME! I know me better than anybody, and I can tell you that old guy is not me. My sense of self, that stream of consciousness that sits between my eyes and ears, knows exactly who he is….He is 5’9’’ with long brown hair, a brown mustache, brown eyes, fine build and big smile; not Fabio, but not a bad catch after a lady has had a few drinks. My self just cannot understand who the hell is the pot-bellied old fart with the thinning white hair, and what is he doing in front of the sink when I floss. It is kind of distressing. If you told anybody that you were being followed by a senior citizen who only let’s himself be seen in bathrooms, then they would have you locked up. So, I will just vent here rather than report this stalking to the authorities. I am not scared. He is old and flabby….I can take him.
Seriously, I know I am aging, but for some reason, I have not incorporated the new me into my self image. Every now and then, I get a reality check. For example, when I moved three years ago, I had to get a new driver’s license. I checked off all the pertinent identifying information – 5’9’’, brown hair, brown eyes…. The lady at the counter looked at my application, looked at me, and then scratched out “brown hair” and put down “grey”. Faen. (I am told that Faen is a Norwegian word that means Satan, but can be substituted in context for pretty much any 4-letter word you would prefer. What the faen!)
Another reality check is when others confuse or categorize me with people who are definitely over the hill. This happened to me just last month. I boarded a plane from
I had to bite my tongue. I may be getting old, but I bathe regularly, and I resented the “stinky” remark. Anyway, the plane did not fill up, and the row of two seats to my right was empty. She asked to get by me, and then she went to sit in the window seat in that row. As fate would have it, some other white guy from a middle seat somewhere else on the plane plopped himself on her other side. He might not have been so old, but I think he was stinky, at least half way through the flight. Serves her right! As an aside, the old dude by the window in my row had his shoes off. Maybe he WAS stinky. Don’t know…. Just sayin’.
The coup de grace was when I was at my ma’s house this past weekend for Mother’s Day. At some point, the subject of hair color came up. My ma told me that “White hair looks distinguished on a man.” You know, people say that all the time, but it is really bullshit. A big wad of cash in one’s wallet; now that’s distinguished. Winning a Nobel Prize, writing a best selling novel, winning an academy award for best horror movie make-up and special effects are all distinguished. Having white, thinning hair…..nada. At some point, my ma asked me “Why don’t you grow your hair out….it’s so short.” I told her that there isn’t that much left to grow, and she replied “I told you not to wear that baseball cap so much.” Maybe she was right! When I was in college, I used to wear this dark navy ball cap wherever I went. My ma used to always tell me that “If you keep wearing that stupid hat, your hair is going to fall out.” She was right. Faen. Look at
Best Wishes,
Dr. JimBob
You are an excellent writer and express many astute observations regarding aging-OY! But who knows, this may be a case of "mother knows best" -grow out the hair and color it brown! Old age isn't for sissies!
What the fuck! Grow old, not careful. Where is the Jimmy I new in graduate school who knew how to say the specific words that actually mean something.
NO MORE faening it, Jimmy!
Good stuff though- I got the same old guy following me in the bathroom, except, and this is the worst part, he looks like my father.
dr c: Maybe I will grow it out and see how it goes. The shoe polish seems so unnatural. I could just shave it too. Good to hear from you.
mindguy1: Ha. At least it's your dad. Imagine seeing your mom in the mirror! Dude, consult the urban dictionary - faen is fuck - it's that whole potato/tomato thing. BTW, Jimmy moved to Philly in the 80’s to get a real job. The poor shmuck fell upon hard times and was eventually sent to prison for flimflamming people into investing in a fictitious scratch-n'-sniff greeting card company for pets. I haven't seen him since he went to the slammer. Thanks for the comeback.
mindguy1: I found this educational video for you. I cannot resist the opportunity to spread vital information throughout the world when I can. Please see:
Thanks again.
Well, my first post on this subject didn't show up so here I am again! Now I have to do this all over and at my age I'm just wasting precious time! Faen! Since I'm 12 years older than you and remember the first time I held your little fat body in my arms, I know what getting older is all about and it ain't pretty! Yes, I look in the mirror too and see mom but what really hurts is when we go someplace together and people mistake us for sisters!!! Either I look like HELL at my age or mom looks pretty darn good for hers - at least one of us can be happy!
cookie6446: hahaha. That is hilarious. I am sure they are just trying to be nice to ma. Seriously....
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